Up Your Content Game with Engaging Video Design

How Video Can Help

By using video in your content strategy, you can keep people’s attention focused on your message while also adding an interesting visual component. This can help to engage viewers and keep them coming back for more. We set you up with our dedicated Video Design Team that’ll get to know your brand and audience.

Here's What You Can Request With Second Studios

Get all the marketing videos you need to grow your brand with us.

Animated Typography

Animated typography combines text and motion to grab attention and express ideas. Use it everywhere, from social media to landing pages.

Animated Video Ads

Need engaging videos for social media and digital ad campaigns? Think animated ads with 2D animations guaranteed to hook your audience.


Drive 5X the traffic to podcasts. Audiograms combine audio, animations of sound waves, captions, and images to create shareable content.


Add emphasis with cinemagraphs. They blend videography and photography with subtle animations, played on a loop, within a still image.

Demo Videos

Show potential customers how your product or service can solve a problem they’re facing. Demo videos are a must to convince and convert.

Digital Display Loops

Increase brand awareness at events or on landing pages with display loops. They include simple, impactful graphics, animated in a loop.

FAQ Videos

The best way to close a sale? Anticipate and answer your customers’ questions. Add FAQ videos to your website and social media profiles.


GIFs quickly convey messages and make content stand out. Use them to explain a process, promote a product, highlight an offer, and more!

Logo Animations

Want your logo to make a bigger impact? Get a logo animation! It will bring your brand to life in ways that resonate with your audience.

Motion Posters

Animated designs generate higher ROIs than other formats. Increase engagement, clicks and even conversions with motion poster designs.

Simple Character Animations

Do more with branded characters or mascots. We work on simple but impactful animations of them jumping up and down, pointing, and more.

Simple Explainer Videos

Need a simple explainer video without a bunch of fluff? Get a 2D animated video to highlight why your product or service is a top choice!

Social Media Videos

Keep content calendars full, and ads looking fresh, with videos. Plus, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, clicks, and conversions.

Template Customization

Have a motion graphics template you love but need to edit? We customize templates to reflect your branding and help achieve your goals.

Testimonial Videos

Nothing sells like a good review. So get your customer testimonials animated, edited and ready to share on your website and social media.

Text Overlays

Want to highlight a special offer or promote key features in your videos? Try text overlays to guide your audience to informed decisions.

UI/UX Animations

Want to make a website or app more interactive? UI/UX animations can attract attention, help guide users, influence decisions, and more.

Video Editing

Increase brand awareness at events or on landing pages with display loops. They include simple, impactful graphics, animated in a loop.